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Hygiene IS A MUST.

Okay, so this is simple & I shouldn't have to say this, but HYGIENE IS A MUST! Since when does an young adult DARE believe it is acceptable to not have brushed their teeth, or NOT have washed their face or shower.

I was talking to this guy at school and he was OK looking. I'm not attracted to him, but i mean he was decent enough for me not to mind being caught talking to him. But anyway, we were talking about this book we need for class. As he was talking to me, i almost fainted. It smelled like he had a pound of sour packed in his gums. I immediately took a few steps back and played it off as if i was laughing. After I thought to myself i survived a possibly very fatal murder attempt; i noticed while he was talking it looked like he had cheddar & brie cheese stuck to his teeth. -THIS GUY IS GROSS AS HELL! There is no reason to be in college and not taking care of the basics! If you think that is enough there.. his GIRLFRIEND interrupted this deadly conversation to give him a nasty passionate I-haven't-seen-you-in-months-kiss. At this point, my throat was killing me because it was raw from me throwing up in my mouth like 4 times and then trying to suppress it.

++ I CONFESS: It is unacceptable for any human being with access to utilities, not to use them. His breath was so bad, i was instantly pist me off as if someone hit me and caused a terrible car accident. AS the girlfriend, you should want your boyfriend to be top notch no matter what, so why would she allow this gentleman to kiss her in the mouth like this. If this is the first time I've noticed I'm sure she's noticed plenty times before. Kissing him, made her just as gross and that's not cute.
What if you are the girlfriend, and you notice your boyfriend isn't being as hygienic as possible? How do you acknowledge this nasty issue? How do you demand change?

1 comments to Hygiene IS A MUST.:

Anonymous said...

LMAOOO well his girlfriend obviously doesn't smell a problem. She's probably immune to it but I had the same problem yesterday; and dude had the NERVE to ask me 'for a piece of gum or some candy' which ISN'T a substitute for toothpaste.

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