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Addicted to SEX????

At what point would one be addicted to sex? we all know what that means on a massive level, i.e you can't go outside without meeting someone to have sex with or hooking up with everybody at your job simply because you cant control yourself. When your sexual endevors begin to disrupt your way of living, then yes you would be addicted. However; i am referring to something different. I am more so trying to determine whether or not there are different stages of being addicted to sex, just as in addictions to drugs. Most people addicted to crack don't start off selling their bodies for crack, so clearly the addiction process happens over time...anyway, i digress. Many people i know feel as though i too am addicted to sex. I just believe that i have a very strong sexual appetite. I could have sex all day everyday...good sex that is. I definently would not just be sleeping with just anybody because that's a waste of time, only the best of the best. I love sex so much, but at times i feel like i need it and if i don't get it my mood could change drastically. Now are those signs of addiction or just simply frustration? Like this past weekend for instances, i was expecting to have sex with any 1 of 4 people, any one of them would have sufficed ( the best of the best). When all my plans fell through i just broke down!!!...i couldn't even fathom the idea of not having sex especially after i had already expected to. My friends say that these are signs of addiction because when i do not have sex it alters my mood so. I do not agree. A person addicted to sex would be looking around bars or anywhere trying to find a guy, any guy. I would never do that! I stick to my elite, all of whom i have been having sex with for over 2 years minimum. It's almost like having 4 or 5 monogamous relationships. If ever their sex became bad then of course i would look for a new elite, but for the time being they are all great. I am not in it for the chase as a sex addicted person is. I am not concerned with quantity as a sex addicted person is, i am more about the quality. I like to have a few though so this problem i ran into doesn't happen, but i guess that didn't work this time. I don't feel like my system is flawed though because in ally my time having sex with these people this was the first time EVER where i just could not catch up with any of them. I actually hate having sex with new people because you are taking risk, you never know what kind of quality of sex you are going to get. At least with my line up i already know what to expect each time and it is always good. I think i actually answered my own question though..lol...i do not think i am addicted sex, i just like it a lot!!!

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