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RIP Sir'mone McCaulla & Christopher Gutierrez
RIP Derrion Albert

The two above links are of recent stories that has deeply saddened me. It's a shame that human life is no longer looked at as something precious. Instead everyday I'm hearing of the most senseless crimes. How could a man kill someone in broad daylight and just walk away? How could your emotional tide get so high that you would allow an accidental bump to evolve into a physical altercation? Is it so hard to walk away? As the last post stated, why not use your ego to get you ahead in life. Instead, people are allowing their egos to become malignant tumor. An ego is nothing to die for, everyone has one. Our jail cells are getting more packed and the offenders are getting younger. Fighting gets you no where, it temporarily boosts your ego but its not putting money in your pocket nor towards your college tuition. This YouTube/WorldStar epidemic needs to stop. It is ALL BULLSHIT. These sites encourage all the petty bullshit that's going on in our communities. These are the same sites that host the videos of people getting beat to death yet their memorial and news stories are amongst their 'related videos'. Everyone is so devastated and distraught over what's going on but who's doing something about it?

2 comments to FUCK YOUR EGO:

brownsuga said...

WOW as i sat here lookng at the pics of the 16 yr old young man getting beaten to death tears rolled down my face for the simple fact he was so helpless nobody helped him and then one of the suspects mothers thinks her son is fuckin innocent like bitch please your son should rot in jail him and bunch of other zoo animals killed this young man beat him to death and you think he is innocent??? wow thats all i can say. when will the violence stop? then my man that killed himself and left that note its a shme when he had to amount to killing himself because he knew that the courts would never believe him because he is a black man thats a shame we live in a world full of equality huh yea right this guy was robbed at gun point while reading a book and the cops thought he was the bad guy because he DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THE READING TYPE thats just damn there crazy all because he is a black man and that was never bought to the media you know why because its ok for shit to happen to black america and nobody cares but as soon as the white man/woman is attacked all hell breaks loose. we have to march against the violence hell our people marched for equality justice and peace now we gotta do it to stop the violence and increase the peace.

PositiveNegativity said...


it is that bad.

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